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So you were defered or denied your FAA Medical Certificate due to a diagnosis of ADHD… now what?

Yesterday I completed my FAA-requested neuropsychological evaluation ADHD initial battery of tests. For a bit of history… I was diagnosed with ADHD (non-hyperactive) when I was in second grade and was medicated for it through 8th grade. I completed high school and college and my life since then with no medication and I am now 30. Regardless of being off medication for about 16 years, my medical was still denied. Upon a request for reconsideration, I was asked to complete this evaluation.

The Tests

Word Reading

The first test I had to complete was the easiest. I was asked to read a list of words that started very easily and progressed to more “college-level” words. The whole list was probably 30 words. Pretty straightforward.


The next batch of tests were connect-the-dot style tests. The first one had numbers in circles that I had to draw lines between them in numerical order while being timed. I think it was 1-14. While doing this the doctor is timing how quickly you can complete these tests.

The second one was the same style, but it was alpha-numeric. I had to connect in numeric AND alphabetical orders. So, 1 to A, A to 2, 2 to B, B to 3, 3 to C, and so on. This one required a bit more concentration as they are scattered all over the page. Again, you are being timed and don’t want to make mistakes.

The third was strictly alphabetical and operated the same as the above.

Personality Questionnaire

Between the other tests, there was a 568 true or false personality questionnaire. I had to read each question and mark true or false on how I felt it applied to me. Questions were all over the board. A few questions I remember:

  • Do you feel your father is a good father (if your father is no longer living, was he a good father)?
  • I often feel like someone is controlling my mind.
  • At times I feel like I am possessed by demons.
  • I am happiest when I am alone.
  • I often see animals or people that are not there.
  • Men can’t be around women without sexual thoughts

A very wide range of questions covering all sorts of things!

Computer Attention Test

The computer test was comprised of several different tests. I will try to describe the various test as best I can.

  • Mental math
    • There were about three math questions (no calculators allowed) that I am pretty sure I bombed and still am not sure why they are included. I remember the first one perfectly: “There is a class of 500 students. 70% of those students will be graduating. Of those students, 40% plan on going to college. How many students will be going to college?” This is a very easy question, but with no pencil, paper, or calculator I couldn’t do it in my head.
  • Symbols and Numbers
    • For this one there was a key that showed random symbols and the number that correlated to them. Then I had to fill in the blank under symbols that appeared with the number that corresponded (reaction time is the measured factor here). After the next test, it brought up the symbols again without the key to judge memory and how many you could remember the number for.
  • ????
    • Not sure how to label this one and it combines two tests. Part one presents you with a circle with red area at the top and bottom. A small skinny line in the center bounces up and down and you have to tap the screen when it goes into the red (again it is measuring reaction time and accuracy). The second part involves another test where you have a long line with a small triangle in the center. Using the left and right arrow keys you have to keep another line as centered over the arrow as you can. You do this seperately and then in conjunction with the circle test so you have to watch both lines and keep one centered and click when the other enters the red of the circle.
  • There were a few more tests, but they are harder to describe and I think by now you get the point of the computer test. It is designed to test your reaction time to the milisecond while testing your ability to multitask and focus.

Letter Clicks

The final computer test was a completely different style whereas the above were all the same program. This one was 5 minutes long and tedious. For 5 minutes random white letters flash on a white screen and you have to click each time a letter flashes on the screen. The speed at which they flash on the screen is random. The catch? You don’t want to click when “X” appears. It sounds easy, but when you are clicking monotonously you really have to pay attention to not get in a rhythm of just clicking each time something pops up.

Mental Adding and Attention

This was the last test and measured your ability to pay attention and again math. A recording says numbers that you have to add together quickly. In the first round, the numbers come at you slower, in the second round they come faster and each round is about 2 minutes.

Again, what is the catch? You have to add the numbers and state out loud the sum of those numbers. EX: 3…5…2…1…9… | 3+5=8, 5+2=7, 2+1=3, 1+9=10. So you always add the next number stated to the previous number stated.

Requested Information

Here is a list of the information the FAA requested I supply to the Neuropsychologist:

  • FAA Medical Record Files
  • Academic Records (including an IEP’s, academtic accomodations, etc.)
  • Driving Record
  • Prescription History
  • All medical records documenting prior diagnosis or treatment for ADHD including dates of treatment or evaluation and name, dosage, and dates the medications were started/stopped.
  • All precious psychological or neuropsychological evaluation reports


Overall the exam took about 3 hours and 15 minutes. This was an initial battery and could very well be different depending on where you go and the doctor administering the test. Depending on your results, you may need to go in for a supplemental battery of tests that take another 3-4 hours (fingers crossed I don’t have to). I know there is a lot here, but I could not find anything in terms of what to expect going into this and hope that this will help someone else. The testing though long, was not nearly as intrusive or as hard as I was expecting.

Absolute Altitude
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